Right, yes, thanks Kirk, I see that now. It's rather sluggish this method, but at least it works faster than reprocessing the DNGs or sacrificing speed and card-write accuracy when double writing both to RAW and JPGs while shooting. However, it makes the M camera a less productive tool from a workflow standpoint, and I can see there is nothing more Camera Bits could do about this. It is unfortunate Leica continues to ignore this. On the other hand, compared to the time that it takes to process film and contact print it, do a preliminary edit and ultimately print work prints to final edit from, Leica is finally moving into the early 2000s. What crazy archaic tools. Why do we love them so much?!
One needs to remember to reset the preference when using one's Canons or Nikons to take advantage of the the speed of their larger inbuilt previews rather than forcing PM to rebuild each one using the Apple resources.