I'm not really sure if this post should be in this section but here goes...
I guess that most sports shooters will be using Adobe's Camera RAW or Lightroom for editing their RAW files? I normally use Lr 5 for my motorsport but for faster paced football, I use Photoshop and Camera RAW. At this point you will all be shouting "why are you using RAW?" Well because I prefer to. I might change this at some point.
My only annoyance is that I hate the Camera RAW interface. To do quick edits means clicking on tiny slider pins and the brush and crop options are over on the top left of the screen (yes there are keyboard shortcuts). Why not put it on the top right so they are faster to get to? I sometimes use presets but these are hidden away again, only accessible but clicking a tiny button. I'm surprised Adobe hasn't redesigned this interface and thought of the sport togs who will be busy looking at the screen and the event in front of them. I guess, at this point, you will be telling me to just shoot JPEG!!!.
I have tried going straight in to Ps CS6 and running Actions which include Crop, Levels, Sharpening and a re-size before saving and closing the images. This is great but I don't think the sharpening is anywhere near as good as when it's in Camera RAW? Also, occasionally, the crop function goes all weird on me!!

Your thoughts are invited.
I would love it if you could set Import Presets in the same way as Lr or even Actions, like using the F keys. I know a JPEG adds sharpening which would cut this process out but in evening matches I find the flexibility of a RAW file a massive help.
What are your thoughts? Do you all use Photoshop or is there a great alternative? I wonder if Camera Bits will be releasing an editing app in the future? Should I just shoot JPEG and go straight in to Photoshop?
Thanks in advance