OK, good to know.
So what do you think is the problem with the color shifts?
We could turn color management logging on which may help find the problem. Note: I am on vacation right now so I'll get you started, but I won't have much time or ability to investigate until my return to work on Tuesday.
In order to turn the diagnostic logging on, you'll need to create a file named PMDebug.txt and you have to place it among Photo Mechanic's preferences files. Photo Mechanic's preferences files are stored in the following location:
<your home folder>/Library/Preferences/com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic/
Create the PMDebug.txt with your favorite text editor (it must be plain text and not some RTF or Word document.) It needs to have the following contents:
Save the PMDebug.txt file to your desktop and then copy it to the above folder.
The easiest way to open that folder is to use the Go menu in the finder and choose "Go to Folder..." and enter ~/Library/Preferences and then click the Go button. Scroll down to the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic folder and copy your PMDebug.txt file there.
Then run Photo Mechanic and reproduce the problem. Next, go to the Help menu and choose the 'Reveal Support Data...' menu item. Your PM.log file should now be compressed and a Finder window should come forward and show you the file. Please post the updated file here. Use the 'Attachments and other options' link when you're composing your reply to this message and there you'll be able to upload your zipped PM log file.