Author Topic: [resolved]Any trouble with Capture One catalog and PM ?  (Read 4253 times)

Offline Soizic

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[resolved]Any trouble with Capture One catalog and PM ?
« on: September 05, 2015, 02:46:29 AM »
I put keywords on my JPG only with PM, for example :
ARCHITECTURE | église | intérieur
HUMAIN | inconnu
No problem for my database of 12.000 JPG with LR5 . My Raw are archived on an other disk.

So I tested C1 catalogue with only 2000 JPG. I imported pictures directly from disk.
Result horrifying : between 8 and 14 seconds to obtain a keyword sort. On C1 forum, people have the same speed for 15000 pictures with LR and C1.
I have tested my two mac, they are fine (I was system ingenior).
So I suspect the first words like ARCHITECTURE, HUMAIN … to be bad for C1, not for LR.
I made an album for each « catégorie » ARCHITECTURE …Sorting in an album is very fast. Sorting in « all my pictures » is very slow.

Have anybody an explication ?

The reason was a mix bertween category and keywords
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 10:05:44 AM by Soizic »
Soizic (France)
MacBook Pro M1,Ventura, PM+ à jour, deepl translator