Thanks for the detailed explanation. I was leaning much towards LR, but now am settling on Bibble. I listed out my requirements and above all was image quality that I could produce repeatedly. I did head to head tests, and about 90% for me were better on Bibble. Better colors, better crispness. Some areas LR did better, but overall I felt better in Bibble.
One thing I did not with LR is how to use the Library on JPGs that get Developed. In other words, my end use of images is mostly JPG -- email, web, DVD slide show, Shutterfly books. From what I understand with LR, when you Develop, the resulting JPGs are NOT back in the Library. While the appeal of LR is a one program, start-to-finish, I don't think it is there yet.
My flow now:
1. Ingest/rename: Breeze DownLoader pro
2. Culling/Tagging/Rating: a bit of a hole here, some in Bibble, some in a simple broswer. Considering PM here (and if I did that it would replace DL Pro)
3. RAW conversion: Bibble
4. other editing: some PSE, but really limited. (no Bridge or PhotoShop)
5. Library/Browsing: not sure yet. Have looked at all the usual suspects, iMatch, idImager, iView. I use an all-media program, James River Media Center, but it's strength is music and images are not quite as strong.
Lightroom could do all of this, kinda sorta, but not quite.
I don't have all my folders sorted out. I have a date/subject structure that worked well for all JPG, but need to rethink for RAW+JPG.
Good luck with LR.
EDIT: if i had smart searches like the Mac version of PM has, I could do #5 in PM, but I am in windows. I have pretty basic library needs.