I have looked into these issues and have some good news. As far as the times being wrong, without the XMP that is added for xmp:CreateDate, we were only able to rely on the movie header time signature which is GMT (Zulu). So now that I am getting XMP (which looks to be written by Premiere) we are showing the right time zone. I suspect however that without this Premiere XMP being written, PM is going to initially adopt whatever the local time zone is when first editing these photos (I don't know if the camera is writing out this XMP). I would need an unmodified MOV file from the camera (5D Mk II). BTW the 5D Mk IV MOV files include a JPEG thumbnail and this thumbnail includes Exif. Again the XMP looks to be written by Premiere. But I think PM gets the timezone correct from the maker note that is in the thumbnail Exif. If there is no time zone info in the image then if you send me a movie taken at noon in England (according to the camera time), then it will also show that it is taken at noon in Portland, Oregon when I edit in PM (which is a bit impossible). Ideally PM can find time zone info and adjust accordingly (e.g. 4AM -8:00).
The issue with bad GPS coordinates being much larger was due to misinterpretation of ISO 6709 spec were the values are multiplied by 100 or 10,000 to indicate formatting (e.g. DDMMSS.S).
Both these fixes/improvements will be in the next build.