Mac Pro 10.14.6
I opened the most recent 'missing' file in the sync folder in collections and that showed 47,499 files. I selected all and chose 'remove from catalog'. After an hour I saw no change. I needed to use the catalog so I quit and restarted to carry on with my work. At the end of the day I opened that same 'missing' collection and was pleased to see that it now showed 46,274 files so it seemed only to be a very slow process. I selected all in that collection, checked that the number shown was as expected (there are >200k files in all) and again chose 'remove from catalog'. I left that running and left the office.
This morning when I opened the catalog it showed 0 images. I quit and restarted PM but still saw no files in any search. The collections tab took a long time to show any collections but they did show up after a few minutes. However clicking the individual collections doesn't show any pictures. In the Catalog Management dialog the catalog is shown as having 240,625 documents which seems about right but a search for "" finds nothing and the search terms aren't showing in the contact sheet.
I ran the 'Optimize SQL Query Planning' to no effect. I then tried the Reintegration. It shows 'in progress', after 30 minutes it's still showing 0% so I quit and restarted but nothing has changed except that now I see no collections at all. Clicking 'Create' doesn't produce a new collection.
I have older backups from the last few days but I'm nervous about just dragging old copies of files into the PM folder.
15 minutes after I wrote the above the collections have reappeared and the 'missing' collection now shows 23,600 files but nothing else has changed.
I'm now running a quick sync and it seems to be adding *all* the files to the catalog but I don't think this will include the metadata. If I do end up with my files restored will I need to do a full sync? This takes a day or two!
Apologies - one more update: the quick sync ran straight through and shows that it had added >211k files (seems about right) but the collections, while showing the number of images, does not actually show them when clicked. The search still does nothing.
Your thoughts & suggestions appreciated!