Author Topic: Entering new collections, files not found then collections disappear  (Read 2633 times)

Offline bcarlsonphoto

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While I was manually migrating all my LR collections to PM+ collections I ran into an issue. I had dozens of "folders," many nestled under one another. Some of the collections had offline images in them (which were previously imported) but most of them were empty because they had just been created. I double clicked on a several collections where offline images had previously been added and it said no images were available despite having the blue bar and a number count. I restarted PM+ and now there are no images in the one collection I was adding "folders" to, but a collection I had previously added images to but had yet to presently add "folders" to has images in them. I've included the log data and a screen shot. I don't want to continue adding "folders" to the collections in case this happens again.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Offline Kirk Baker

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While I was manually migrating all my LR collections to PM+ collections I ran into an issue. I had dozens of "folders," many nestled under one another. Some of the collections had offline images in them (which were previously imported) but most of them were empty because they had just been created. I double clicked on a several collections where offline images had previously been added and it said no images were available despite having the blue bar and a number count. I restarted PM+ and now there are no images in the one collection I was adding "folders" to, but a collection I had previously added images to but had yet to presently add "folders" to has images in them. I've included the log data and a screen shot. I don't want to continue adding "folders" to the collections in case this happens again.

Hopefully this makes sense.

It would be helpful to not have the image obscured.  If you're worried about privacy, we can make other arrangements for file transfer.  Your log file lists the collection paths that had issues and I was hoping to make some visual connections to the image with the paths in the log files.

That said, I do not know what happened in your case and I cannot say whether it will happen again to you.  There's just not enough information in the log file.  I can say that the proxy building was running into a number of file errors on a variety of files.  Did you disconnect a drive while the proxies were being built and the metadata was being gathered?  Building a catalog takes time and the scanning portion of the process finishes quickly while the real work happens in the background.  The metadata gathering, proxy generation, catalog indexing can take hours or even days to complete.  The Tasks pane should let you know the status of building everything.


Offline bcarlsonphoto

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Where do you want me to send unobscured files?

In the very beginning I had prematurely unplugged the HD (we talked about it a few days ago here). I rescanned and made sure not to unplug the HD until the proxy generation was complete by making sure all tasks were complete. So I would assume that's not the issue.

What can I do to help you problem solve this? I'll be adding ~150k to a catalog and would hate for this to happen again after I put in so much work.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Where do you want me to send unobscured files?

If you have a sharing service like DropBox, upload it and share a link with me in a personal message.  Click on my name to the left of this message and there you can send me a personal message by clicking on the "Send PM" link.

In the very beginning I had prematurely unplugged the HD (we talked about it a few days ago here). I rescanned and made sure not to unplug the HD until the proxy generation was complete by making sure all tasks were complete. So I would assume that's not the issue.

Have a look at the dyn.1.log file in your zip archive (the log file is just a text file) and look for "NRFError: 5".  That indicates some sort of filesystem-based issue.  Likely that the file doesn't exist at that path (drive removed?).

What can I do to help you problem solve this? I'll be adding ~150k to a catalog and would hate for this to happen again after I put in so much work.

I'd rather get to the bottom of the issue before you attempt that.  Unfortunately, I will be on an extended vacation starting at the end of this week and I won't likely be able to solve anything during that time so if there are improvements to be had, they better happen this week.

Are you able to reproduce this problem?  If so, please turn CATALOG_DEBUG_LOGGING first, reproduce the problem, and get me the updated zipped log file.

You can turn on CATALOG_DEBUG_LOGGING by going to the Help menu and choosing the "Edit Debug Settings..." command and then setting the checkbox next to CATALOG_DEBUG_LOGGING, clicking the Close button and restarting Photo Mechanic Plus.  Then reproduce the problem and generate the log.


Offline bcarlsonphoto

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I'll try and reproduce the problem tomorrow when I'm in the office and I have the drive.

Offline bcarlsonphoto

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After re-doing the process it didn't happen again. So fingers crossed it doesn't reoccur.