Using PM 4.5.3 on Mac OS 10.4.11:
This is a new/recent behavior that I have never seen until very recently.
1. I use PM to sort my RAWs into folders, such as "selects" and "non-selects" within a parent folder for a given event.
2. I create a "jpegs" folder in same parent folder.
3. I use Bridge and Photoshop CS3 to do ACR adjustments and then batch the JPEGs out into the "jpegs" folder.
4. Now, the new thing: I am seeing Color Class being automatically applied to the new JPEG files I just saved.
I find this very weird. I have not discerned the exact pattern yet, but I have a start... Bridge has some role in this, but the origin of what appears in Bridge is probably from PM... Example: I have 707 RAW files in a folder for a particular job. They all have corresponding XMP sidecar files. I have sorted them in PM to arrive at the 707 (others have been removed to other folders)... When I view the same folder of images in Bridge, Bridge identifies 367 of them as "Winner" and 340 of them as "No Label.".... However: I have no corresponding group of 367 photos in any Color Class or tag in PM. Thus this is somewhat of a mystery... It make enough sense that Bridge would apply the same label to the new JPEG that it sees in the source file, BUT where is Bridge getting that source label from???