Author Topic: Event photography solutions  (Read 5644 times)

Offline vAfotoriporter

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Event photography solutions
« on: January 09, 2009, 09:30:25 PM »
I experiment on solutions for event photography to find the best software solutions. PM is great for downloading, sorting, selecting, managing photos but seems just not the perfect solution for the customer ends of event photography which is mainly about the user selecting which images he/she wants to buy.

PM has slideshow function but images showed one by one even with their numbers titled on screen are not efficient enough. Maybe with a dual monitor setup with multiple images showed at one time on both displays could be a solution for a time but not for all.

Even if tagging and save selection could be an easy way to place orders, offering the PM UI to untrained users for ordering would be a disaster since without knowing the program they can nor understand nor use it well.

PM has web export feature which could be a way to present the images but would still be no solution for the order palcing part.

How do other PM users solve event photography?
Working on Mac, OSX, iOS and with some Canons.
Allways shooting RAW.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Event photography solutions
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 10:05:07 PM »
I experiment on solutions for event photography to find the best software solutions. PM is great for downloading, sorting, selecting, managing photos but seems just not the perfect solution for the customer ends of event photography which is mainly about the user selecting which images he/she wants to buy.

PM has slideshow function but images showed one by one even with their numbers titled on screen are not efficient enough. Maybe with a dual monitor setup with multiple images showed at one time on both displays could be a solution for a time but not for all.

Even if tagging and save selection could be an easy way to place orders, offering the PM UI to untrained users for ordering would be a disaster since without knowing the program they can nor understand nor use it well.

PM has web export feature which could be a way to present the images but would still be no solution for the order palcing part.

How do other PM users solve event photography?

There is a template for Photo Mechanic called "EOS Template" which is not free, but does provide a web-style ordering interface that does not require that you have a web server.  It works with local files.

