Anyone look at the topic of this thread? What does Lightroom do that PM does not? Cataloging! Lightroom may not ingest as well as PM but it does a decent job.
Photo editing is the main thing LR does and PM does not. LR is a do all steps in it application that offers everything to do with one software from start to end. It ingests (rather they call it import), captions, catalogues, has search and keywording, and it has the RAW editor they call develop.
PM does the small part, but much quicker then LR. You can quikly browse through the files select the ones you want to use or edit, have the option to edit them in external editor(s) and then send them to almost anywhere.
On my part I don't really use a catalogue application (I would love to have it in PM), I use CFfinder/CDwinder to find files by filename and keep track of the files on different drives. It's a bit basic, but metts my needs. The rest of it to be developed will wait for PM catalogue.
I only use LR for editing images. I import only those I want to edit. All other management is done in PM. This works for me fine and fast.