I'm running PM on OSX 10.6.2.
I recently converted from an Aperture based workflow to one based on PM. There is one feature of Aperture that I really miss when culling / making my image selections, and I've not been able to find an equivalent function in PM. I'll try to describe what I'd like to do and perhaps you can tell me whether or not this is possible (or whether there is a better alternative - I'm open to suggestions).
I think it will be simplest to describe what I'm looking for with a simple example.
Current behavior:
1. I have 3 images in a contact sheet (let's call them image A,B,C).
2. Color Class Widget is set to NOT show Color Class 8 "Trash".
3. Enter the Preview Window.
4. View image A. It is a keeper. Advance to next image ([->]).
5. View image B. It is a non-keeper. Mark as Trash ([8]). Advance to next image ([->]).
6. View image C. It is a keeper.
7. Return to previous image ([<-]). Image B is shown, with Color Class == Trash.
Desired behavior:
1-6. Same as above.
7. Return to previous image ([<-]). Image A is shown. Image B is NOT shown
since previously marked with Color Class 8 "Trash".
Is it possible to make PM do this (or similar)?
Basically, I think the main thing I'm looking for is for the Color Class Widget to do "live" filtering the current set of images that the Preview Window can go through. Currently, it seems the Color Class Widget has a live filtering effect only on the Contact Sheet View. I suppose this is expected PM behavior.
Aperture supports the above 'desired behavior' scenario with the concept of "Rejects". Basically, in Aperture's equivalent of the PM Preview Window, once I mark an image as Reject, it "disappears" from the current viewing set. Basically, this is a simple filtering out of the reject criteria, and it works on Aperture's equivalent of both the Contact Sheet and Preview Window, not just the Contact Sheet.
I find this incredibly useful for narrowing down my image selections. It means that once I've marked an image as Trash/Reject, it disappears, with immediate effect, from all views (as soon as I navigate off that image). I will not see this image again unless I explicitly reset the filter criteria to show them. For large sets of images, it can take me several iterations through my images to get down to a final set of keepers, and the behavior described above helps me do this more quickly (because I'm not having to look again at images that I've already marked as Reject/Trash). It means that I can quickly get down to a set of keepers using only the [->], [<-], and [Reject/Trash shortcut] keys.
With PM, currently, after marking my non-keepers as Trash / Color Class 8 in the Preview Window, the only way I've found to remove them from the current viewing set is to go back to the Contact sheet (where Trash images will then disappear), and then re-enter the Preview Window. This seems undesirable to me, particularly when using the 2-Up feature. With 2-Up, I'll have one image "competing" with several others, and as I mark all the losers with Color Class 8, I'd like to have them disappear from the competition, so to speak.
Maybe I'm missing something fundamental here. Is there a way to make PM do this? Or do you have a "best practice" example workflow that is more efficient that what I've described above?