Author Topic: Photo Mechanic 4.6.3 public beta 1  (Read 7115 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic 4.6.3 public beta 1
« on: January 29, 2010, 03:29:17 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce the first public beta version of Photo Mechanic 4.6.3.  This new version addresses a number of issues that were discovered after the release of Photo Mechanic

Download the Mac OS X version here.
Download the Windows version here.

Version Information

Version 4.6.3
* Live Ingest now processes RAW files, including RAW + JPEG pairs.  You can have the ingest process wait for RAW + JPEG pairs when using the sequence {seqn} variable to keep the RAW + JPEG pair synchronized for renaming etc, or just have it process JPEG and RAW files as soon as they are "stable" (i.e. file is done transmitting and can be moved).  Because RAW files are large and have a proprietary format, they are not considered "stable" until they remain unchanged for a period of time (e.g. 30 seconds). You can set a time delay to wait before these "non-JPEG" files are considered stable.  The faster your wireless or tethered connection, the shorter the delay you can safely set, but a stalled connection lasting longer than the delay setting may result in image corruption.
* (Win) Fixed a hanging bug in the Import GPS Coordinates command.
* (Mac) Ingest now uses OS-supplied copy facility to copy images from the card.  This and other changes to file data transfer were done to speed up Ingests on Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) when certain flash cards or readers were involved (due to a bug in Snow Leopard causing 2 second delays for each file).
* The Live Slideshow now includes options to redisplay previously shown photos after some period of inactivity.
* FTP and SFTP uploader templates now handle destination folder paths with {variables} in such a way that attached files (e.g. XMP and WAV sidecar files) will end up in the same destination folder as the photo they belong to.  Also, using variables like {folderpath} now return the path to where the original image resides.
* (Mac) Copy/Move of files via drag and drop now handles case where multiple files with the same name are copied/moved to the drop destination folder.  Files that arrive and have a file with the same name at the destination are now renamed to allow them to exist at the destination folder.
* (Mac) Picking folders for output that have non-letter characters (like !, ~, *, ", ', etc.) now works correctly.
* Save As now has limits to the size of saved files in order to maintain stability.  Images can be saved at 8000 pixels on a side, maximum.
* Added preference to control whether Structured Keywords will be written only to the lr:hierarchicalSubject field or if they will be written to both the hierarchicalSubject field and dc:subject field when updating XMP.  All keywords, flat or structured will be always written to the IPTC keywords field since there is no other place to put them in IPTC.
* The Amazon S3 uploader template now allows '-' (hyphen) characters in the destination path.
* Fixed a crashing bug when adding GPS coordinates to TIFF files or TIFF-based RAW files.  This only happened under certain conditions and did not corrupt the files.
* Improved handling of low memory conditions.
* Added the ability to utilize a proxy server when activating Photo Mechanic during registration.  On a Mac the proxy settings can generally be retrieved from the system preferences.  On Windows the proxy settings must be put into a text file and saved in a location depending on your version of Windows.  Please consult the manual for full details.

Users wanting the ability for Live Ingest to handle RAW or RAW+JPEG shooting should give the new Live Ingest a try.  We're really interested in hearing your feedback.