Author Topic: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution  (Read 8111 times)

Offline bazography

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"Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:43:17 PM »
Hi Kirk,

I brought this up a while back ( and you said you would consider implementation, so I was just wondering if it might make it into PM5. In a nutshell, the issue is that PM doesn't allow me to use the "Save Photo As" function without entering a resolution for the image... the resolution box cannot be left blank.

There are specific circumstances where I need this function to batch-convert JPEGs to TIFFs but the client needs the resolution (which can be different from image to image) to stay as is.

In my opinion NOT making a change to the resolution should be the norm, and you should enter a new resolution only IF you wanted to change it... exactly the way scaling in PM works now. You have a "no scaling" button, along with boxes to enter the dimensions only IF you want to change them.

So as for implementation, it seems logical to treat resolution the same way you treat scaling by having a "use original resolution" button along with the "Resolution:" box, which you would use only IF you want to change it.

Or perhaps you don't even need the button... maybe it can be set up so that simply leaving the resolution box blank results in no change of resolution.


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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 12:41:08 AM »
Hi Kirk,

I brought this up a while back ( and you said you would consider implementation, so I was just wondering if it might make it into PM5. In a nutshell, the issue is that PM doesn't allow me to use the "Save Photo As" function without entering a resolution for the image... the resolution box cannot be left blank.

There are specific circumstances where I need this function to batch-convert JPEGs to TIFFs but the client needs the resolution (which can be different from image to image) to stay as is.

In my opinion NOT making a change to the resolution should be the norm, and you should enter a new resolution only IF you wanted to change it... exactly the way scaling in PM works now. You have a "no scaling" button, along with boxes to enter the dimensions only IF you want to change them.

So as for implementation, it seems logical to treat resolution the same way you treat scaling by having a "use original resolution" button along with the "Resolution:" box, which you would use only IF you want to change it.

Or perhaps you don't even need the button... maybe it can be set up so that simply leaving the resolution box blank results in no change of resolution.


I don't quite understand you. Your wish seems contradictory.
You say "PM doesn't allow me to use the "Save Photo As" function without entering a resolution" but in the next paragraph you say "the way scaling in PM works now. You have a "no scaling" button".

There is a no scaling option in the Save Photo As dialog allowing you to save the photos from PM without changing the resolution. It works with the TIFF setting as well.
Working on Mac, OSX, iOS and with some Canons.
Allways shooting RAW.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 06:20:44 AM »
He is referring to the DPI type of resolution.  If he were to apply a crop, the value in the Resolution field would still apply.


Offline bazography

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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 10:51:52 AM »
There is a no scaling option in the Save Photo As dialog allowing you to save the photos from PM without changing the resolution.

No, that is not correct. The "no scaling" button has nothing to do with it, that button has no effect on the resolution number dialog box. If I select "no scaling", it means the pixel dimensions of the image will not change. But you still MUST enter a resolution number into the dialog box. So lets say I am using the Save As command to batch process a bunch of images for a client, some of which are at 72 dpi, some 200 dpi and some are at 300 dpi. My client wants me to leave the resolution number as is. Currently in PM I MUST** enter a resolution number (lets say I pick 300 dpi) which means that all the 72 dpi and 200 dpi images will be changed to 300 dpi. This means I cannot do a batch Save As without changing the resolution of most of my images. This happens whether "no scaling" is selected or not... it is not related.

All I am suggesting is that there should be a way to "Save As" images without being forced to change the dpi.

**PS... PM will go ahead and Save As without entering a resolution number, but you get some pretty bizarre results. I processed some 300 dpi images and PM's info box said the resolution of the new images was "–6655" (huh?) and Photoshop showed 72 dpi. Obviously the resolution box is not designed to be left blank. 

Offline bazography

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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 10:55:57 AM »
He is referring to the DPI type of resolution.  If he were to apply a crop, the value in the Resolution field would still apply.


I gather this never made it into version 5? I know how hard you guys are working to get all the new software out, but is there any chance of at least putting this on the list?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 02:36:02 PM »
He is referring to the DPI type of resolution.  If he were to apply a crop, the value in the Resolution field would still apply.


I gather this never made it into version 5? I know how hard you guys are working to get all the new software out, but is there any chance of at least putting this on the list?

No, it isn't on the list at this time.  But perhaps we could make it so that entering a zero would just preserve the current DPI contained in the source image in an update to PM5.


Offline bazography

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Re: "Save Photos As" without changing resolution
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 04:06:00 PM »
No, it isn't on the list at this time.  But perhaps we could make it so that entering a zero would just preserve the current DPI contained in the source image in an update to PM5.


Yes please!! That would do the job just fine, and it would be very much appreciated. Many thanks Kirk!