The problem is that once you invest in a DAM solution, the catalog part, it is a real pain to re-index thousands of images into yet another solution. This is the situation I find myself in now, having waited the last couple of years for the PM5 Catalog solution I am now way behind on cataloging, so I need to start fresh.
This. Right. Here. A few years back I went full bore on images going back to the QuickTake 100 era. Laughable, but it is what it is. I wanted consistency for the day that some cataloging option would come along and -not- suck, totally. PMC has been leading that baited promise ..
The good news is that none of the metadata is gone, as it is right where it belongs, either with or in the file.
With the added benefit that since I did a lot of work with EXIFTool, I have all the meta data along side images too, as a backup, if you will. I could re-import, set dates, etc., with some scripting, and not miss a thing.
I am not sure whether to laugh, scream or cry, but I do wish the folks at Camera Bits would be more transparent with what is going on in this area.
With Six Years of admitted development, you certainly would think there would at least be some teasing screen shots, some function/feature lists, something. With how many of these trade shows having bits posted in this very forum alluding to "stop by our booth" .. "It's coming in just a few weeks", etc.
And, while I absolutely can't comment on specific product development..
Then maybe someone who actually can should actually post something.
I can say that feature creep has not affected development of new products at Camera Bits.
Even this reply alludes to just that .. as in the very next sentence:
We're making sure our products are responsive to an evolving photography market that's going through a lot of changes recently
because if not, what can be taking six years to put together, especially considering you've got the hard part already done and well vetted. The UI, metadata editing, handling of files, etc. PM5 is an amazing tool as it is.
Let me ask a question. Would we even have Photo Mechanic if the development was done as you describe? PM has come a LONG way from the beginning, but only because you actually had a beginning.
..and PM started as a simple ingesting tool, that still holds well to those roots, and has evolved to be an all encompassing management tool based around that very core function. But yes, it started as a something, that was available and I'm sure evolved around feedback just like this.
I would welcome something that puts everything into one workflow, and would be absolutely willing to provide feedback through every bit of it.
I got into this not as a professional photographer, or a journalist on the scene, but a computer hobbyist evolved to small company IT dept. head, having photo-documented many things over the years, and came to realize that files in directories on a drive just was not cutting it anymore.