Author Topic: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows  (Read 11751 times)

Offline J.A.S.

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Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« on: February 22, 2013, 12:59:56 PM »

Am currently running Photo Mechanic V5 (Build 13764) on a Windows 7 laptop (32bit)

Since updating a few months ago ( probably build 13507, but maybe 13444 ), whenever I move the mouse around a text input box, in IPTC stationary pad or IPTC info windows, the mouse flickers so fast that it's almost a double image, between the usual text editing cursor icon ( like a double ended T ) and a hand icon.

Pretty tough on the eye, and quite difficult to accurately select blocks of text for copy/delete functions.

Is this just a quirk of my own machine, or has the way cursors are displayed in these text areas changed over the last few builds ?

Is so, is there a way to change it back to the old style text editing cursor ? If not, could you consider changing it back in the next build please ?



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 02:06:26 PM »

Am currently running Photo Mechanic V5 (Build 13764) on a Windows 7 laptop (32bit)

Since updating a few months ago ( probably build 13507, but maybe 13444 ), whenever I move the mouse around a text input box, in IPTC stationary pad or IPTC info windows, the mouse flickers so fast that it's almost a double image, between the usual text editing cursor icon ( like a double ended T ) and a hand icon.

Pretty tough on the eye, and quite difficult to accurately select blocks of text for copy/delete functions.

Is this just a quirk of my own machine, or has the way cursors are displayed in these text areas changed over the last few builds ?

Is so, is there a way to change it back to the old style text editing cursor ? If not, could you consider changing it back in the next build please ?

I use the system's I-beam cursor and a custom hand cursor for when the mouse isn't over an editable field.  I just tested my system running the latest build of PM 5 (Windows 7) and it doesn't change from the I-beam cursor unless my mouse leaves the edit control.

I'd have to suspect it is something peculiar to your machine.  Are you running any utilities or extensions that much with the mouse cursor position or shape?


Offline J.A.S.

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 03:10:51 PM »
Hi Kirk,

Thanks for the quick reply.

As far as I can see, there's nothing that affects the mouse. I have the usual Microsoft wireless mouse drivers installed - and the issue is the same whether the I'm using the trackpad or the wireless mouse. Don't seem to have any other mouse or display issues in other programs.

As you correctly say, outside the text entry boxes, the hand icon displays fine. Also, when the mouse is stationary inside the text entry boxes, the I beam cursor (thanks for the correct word !) it displays correctly. The flickering occurs only when the mouse is moving around the text entry box.

If it's something that's peculiar to my machine / combination of software - then it's no big deal.

Just wanted to check that you hadn't changed something in the last few builds, hoping to make the interface look better, that had backfired for some users.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 03:59:06 PM »

As far as I can see, there's nothing that affects the mouse. I have the usual Microsoft wireless mouse drivers installed - and the issue is the same whether the I'm using the trackpad or the wireless mouse. Don't seem to have any other mouse or display issues in other programs.

As you correctly say, outside the text entry boxes, the hand icon displays fine. Also, when the mouse is stationary inside the text entry boxes, the I beam cursor (thanks for the correct word !) it displays correctly. The flickering occurs only when the mouse is moving around the text entry box.

If it's something that's peculiar to my machine / combination of software - then it's no big deal.

Well, it would drive me crazy if it were doing that on my system.  I'd be happy to dig deeper into the issue with you if you're willing to work with me on it.  This would entail running private builds of PM 5 and giving me back log files.

Let me know if you're interested.



Offline J.A.S.

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 12:41:20 PM »
Hi Kirk,

If you are willing to have a look - then that would be great - happy to run whatever builds you need.

I could send you over a small video of what happens if you let me know how to send it over to you (FTP/ email / Attachment here etc ).

That might help you to see exactly what's happening ?, As I can't really show you in a screen grab.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2013, 01:37:16 PM »

I could send you over a small video of what happens if you let me know how to send it over to you (FTP/ email / Attachment here etc ).

That might help you to see exactly what's happening ?, As I can't really show you in a screen grab.

I just sent you a personal message with the server details.


Offline J.A.S.

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 09:24:30 AM »
Hi Kirk,

Installed the special build - problem now solved - no more flickering cursor.

Just curious, what was the issue ? (.........not that I'm very techincally minded and probably won't understand anyway !)

Thanks very much for all your time and assistance.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Mouse becomes flickering hand/type tool in text windows
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 09:37:44 AM »

Nerdy stuff start:

There is a message callback called OnSetCursor() that passes various parameters to Photo Mechanic, one of which is the address of the window that the message pertains to.  Photo Mechanic wasn't examining the window address to make sure that the message was for the scrolling area and apparently on your system it sends messages to the scrolling window even when your cursor is over one of the edit fields.  This function doesn't call into Photo Mechanic with a non-applicable window on my systems or for most folks either, but it does on your system.  So now PM checks to see if the message is for the scrolling pane and if not, it ignores it.

Nerdy stuff end.

That's it.  Problem solved.

The next official build will also contain this fix.
