Hi Kirk,
'Public' is the default name for the external hard drive I use to store all my files - its an 8TB WD My Cloud EX2 - I have no idea why it would think those files aren't there. When I copy all my files over from my CF cards, I put them all into a file with the format "date of client event, client name, REJECTS". Once I've culled them in PM, I then move the chosen images to another file with the same naming convention but KEEPERS at the end, and those are the ones I take into Lightroom.
All the files, REJECTS and KEEPERS stay on that hard drive until I decide to delete or move them. Allison & Sean are recent clients so those images should definitely still be on my hard drive. However, I have finished editing that wedding a while back so not sure why PM is currently trying to access those files, if indeed it is.
Hope that sheds some light?